Stand-Up Comedy is one of the hardest talents under the entertainment umbrella. Come and support amateurs and professionals alike as they test out new material to better their act at our comedy open mic at The Orlando Improv inside the Fat Fish Blues bar.
Want to try stand-up yourself? Feel free to sign up and give it a try. Anyone can get on our Fat Fish Blues stage during the open mic night.
In addition to the stand-up comedy open mic, we also offer a FREE writing workshop beforehand that we call “Blank Page”. Everyone who shows up will start off with a blank piece of paper and will write something they’ve never written before.
We also have a professional show going on in the main room. (Different every week)
The Orlando Improv
9101 International Drive suite 2310
Orlando, FL, 32819
Phone Number: 407-480-5233
The Orlando Improv also offers an eight week stand-up comedy class for anyone wanting to learn comedy, or how to be a better public speaker. See below for details.
Hosted by: Carmen Vallone
TIMES (subject to change each week without notice)
6:00pm – Blank Page Writing Workshop
7:00pm – Open Mic Sign Up
7:30pm – Start of Show in Main Room
7:30 – 7:45:pm – Start of Open Mic Show in Fat Fish Blues Bar
Open Mic begins between 7:30pm. – 7:45pm depending on seating of the main show.
Sign-up begins at 7pm
We will get up as many people as possible, but open mic needs to end at the same time as the main room. This is beyond the control of the host but is in the hands of club managers.
If you put your name on the list but you didn’t get a chance to perform you will be placed on the bump list for the following week.
If you are on the bump list and you show up the following week you still must arrive at 7:00pm for check in.
If you do not show up for 7:00pm check in your name will be omitted from the list and you will have to sign up again.
You must physically be present to put your name on the list. You cannot sign up a friend if they are not there.
The managers and host reserve the right to put up someone even if their name is not on the list.
Set lengths will be determined at the time of the show. Usually between 3 – 5 minutes.
Comedians can’t sign up two weeks in a row. You can perform one week, then come back the following week to put your name on the list again.
If the host calls your name and you’re not in the room and you miss your spot, your name will be omitted until the following week.
If you’re on the bump list and can’t make it, you can NOT push it to the following week. You’ll have to come back and put your name on the list again.
These rules are in place to make sure everyone gets a fair chance at performing at The Orlando Improv Open Mic.
Thanks, and stay funny!
Comedy Classes at The Orlando Improv are an eight-week course and will be on Monday nights from 6:30pm to 9:30pm
We study joke structure, play writing games, play act out games, build up our five minutes set for the graduation show and have touring professionals come in and answer questions.
On the very last night we’ll have a graduation show right on the main stage at The Improv in front of a full crowd.
The semester is $350 and you’ll have free admission into select shows for you and your friends while in the class.
The next round of classes start SOON!
For more info on classes, send an email to:
Orlando Improv
Comedy Class Info
Carmen Vallone
Instagram: @CarmenVallone
Facebook: @ComedianCarmenVallone
YouTube: Carmen Vallone
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