Hosted by Kate Strobel, Hearsay is a weekly stand-up comedy showcase featuring local and national touring comedians as they share unsubstantiated hilarity at Rita’s Law. Hearsay’s performers have been featured on Comedy Central, Conan, and more!
The 7/13 showcase will feature Kate McLachlan, Mo Alexander, Kate Willett, Valerie Tosi, and headliner Adam Cayton-Holland.
Tickets are $15 per person and sold in table seating.
Showtime is 8pm. Doors at 7pm.
About Adam Cayton-Holland: Adam Cayton-Holland is a national touring comic who has appeared on CONAN, Comedy Central Presents, The Late Late Show with James Corden, @midnight, The Meltdown with Jonah and Kumail, and more. He has been named one of Esquire magazine’s “25 Comics to Watch” and one of “10 Comics to Watch” by Variety.
Along with his cohorts in The Grawlix, he created, wrote, and starred in “Those Who Can’t,” which aired for three seasons on truTV. The Grawlix also host a podcast, “The Grawlix Saves the World,” which is available everywhere.
His albums, “I Don’t Know If I Happy,” “Backyards,” “Adam Cayton-Holland Performs His Signature Bits,” (voted one of Vulture’s Top Ten Albums of 2018), and “Semblance of Normalcy,” are all available on iTunes. “Adam Cayton-Holland Performs His Signature Bits” is also available on vinyl through the record label Saddle Creek.
Cayton-Holland is the founder of the High Plains Comedy Festival in Denver. He has performed at comedy festivals all over the world, as well as The Kennedy Center and Carnegie Hall. Adam’s writing has appeared in the Village Voice, SPIN, The A.V. Club, The New York Times, Esquire and The Atlantic. His first book, Tragedy Plus Time, is available everywhere. He once threw out the opening pitch at a Colorado Rockies game and people have described him as “genial,” and “with decent teeth.”