Not Made for TV is a Denver-based comedy sketch trio comprised of stand-up comedians: Edward Bell, Derek Walton, and Austin Black. Their live show combines hilarious stand-up performances blended with live sketches, videos, and special guests! This month’s headliner is SAMMY ANZER.
Sammy Anzer is a stand up comedian originally from Queens, NY. Sammy has been featured on Kevin Hart’s LOL Network, Comedy 103.1, and the web series “Comedians Doing Stuff in Denver” by Visit Denver.
Special Guests: Nic Dean (High Plaines Comedy Festival), Rachel Crowe
Come early and enjoy fresh food and cocktails from the newly opened Enigma Bazaar. Enigma Bazaar is a mystical, immersive arts bar and performance venue, serving innovative, fresh, seasonal cocktails and a 100% from scratch Latin-inspired menu.
Show starts at 8pm.* Tickets are only $10. 21+
*Come early for the best seats! Seating is first come, first served general admission.