Not Made for TV is a Denver-based sketch comedy trio comprised of stand-up comedians: Derek Walton, Edward Bell, and Austin Black. Their monthly live show combines hilarious stand-up performances blended with live sketches, videos, and special guests! This month’s headliner is CHRISTIE BUCHELE.
Christie Buchele is a Denver based comedian who has been seen on FOX‘s Laughs, Hidden America with Jonah Ray, Vice’s Flophouse, and NBC‘s 1st Look, where she helped Ben Higgins (The Bachelor: Season 20) develop a stand-up set to perform at Denver’s Comedy Works!
With special guests: Michael Isaacs (High Plains Comedy Festival) and Jené Suplee.
Enigma Bazaar is a mystical, immersive arts bar and performance venue, serving innovative, fresh, seasonal cocktails.
Show starts at 8pm.* Tickets are only $10. 21+
*Come early for the best seats! Seating is first come, first served general admission.