Not Made for TV is a Denver-based sketch comedy trio comprised of stand-up comedians: Edward Bell, Derek Walton, and Austin Black. Their live show combines hilarious stand-up performances blended with live sketches, videos, and special guests!
This show is a must see for fans of SNL, MadTV, Kids in the Hall, the Whitest Kids You Know, and Adult Swim. The trio’s live sketches and videos have earned them positive accolades from 303 Magazine and got them featured in the Denver Fringe Festival.
Past shows have featured special guest comedians seen on Netflix, Adult Swim, NBC, Vice, Kevin Hart’s LOL Network, HBO, Jimmy Kimmel and Fox.
Fri, August 12th @ 8PM
The Lucky Cat
301 2nd Ave SW, Cedar Rapids, IA 52404
$15 Advanced $20 at the Door
Tickets at:
Derek Walton is a stand up and sketch comedian that has been featured in the Denver Westword.
Edward Bell is a stand up comedian originally from rural eastern Iowa, now living in Denver, CO. He is a regular at the Comedy Works. He has written for the Hard Times. He regularly performs at comedy festivals around the country sharing the stage with big names like Adam Cayton-Holland, Steph Tolev, and Nick Youssef. He used to live in a van, but now he doesn’t. There were too many complaints.
Austin Black is a comedian originally from Iowa and now resides in Denver, Colorado. No one cares that in his six years of performing he has performed in multiple comedy festivals such as Denver Fringe, Floodwater, Green Gravel, and finished top five in the “Funniest Person in Iowa Contest” at Penguin’s Comedy Club. He was also a finalist in the Clean Comedy Contest at Comedy Works.